Meeting for Worship
10:30 to 11:30 am at 19309 Greenfield for face-to-face.
Log in up to 15 min early for webcam and mic check for the online program.
Children’s Program
10:50 to 11:30 am.
The children’s program will begin 20 minutes after the Meeting begins. The children will leave with the teacher to attend First Day classes.
Monthly Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business Second Sunday of every month at 11:45
Meeting for Discussion (optional)
Third Sunday at 10:50 as scheduled
Detroit Friends Meeting (Quakers)
We are using a hybrid format to worship at our Meetinghouse and online using Zoom. All are warmly welcomed.
You can join us for Worship by requesting a Zoom link at
You can also call to request a Zoom link at 734-834-5136.
The meeting’s mailing address is;
Detroit Friends Meeting
19309 Greenfield Rd. Detroit, MI 48235
Phone Number: (313) 340-9226